Scottish Housing Regulator

Shettleston Housing Association is a Registered Social Landlord (RSL) and as such subject to regulation by the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR).

Information about SHR’s role and work can be viewed here:

Each year SHR carries out an assessment of each RSL.  This takes account of the Association’s Annual Assurance Statement regarding our compliance with Regulatory Standards, other information that we are required to routinely report each year in relation to our finances and our compliance with the Tenants Charter, and any other relevant information.  SHR then publishes its annual Engagement Plan for each RSL.  A copy of our latest Engagement Plan and Annual Assurance Statement can be viewed below.

Shettleston Housing Association Engagement Plan

Annual Assurance Statement

SHR Landlord Report

SHR Complaints and Serious Concerns

How we Regulate (A Guide for Tenants and Services Users)