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Tier 4: Temporary restrictions on our repairs service

Tier 4: Temporary restrictions on our repairs service

Due to the latest Scottish Government guidance we will be providing a reduced repairs service inside tenants’ homes.  Until 11th December this will be restricted to emergency or very urgent repairs which pose a danger to residents’ health, the property or which make your home insecure. These will include:

  • Burst pipes / leaks 
  • Water coming into your home.
  • Blockage of soil or waste pipes/ toilet not flushing
  • Faulty electrics
  • Breakdown of heating or hot water
  • Shower repair (if also unable to use bath).
  • Dangerous structural condition, (e.g. falling masonry, roof tiles) or any other dangerous or unsafe issue that requires urgent attention
  • Home insecure due to broken windows,  damaged door or broken lock/ lost keys
  • Unsafe access to property

We will continue to try to take any particular individual circumstances into account and, for example, may replace light bulbs for elderly tenants.

 We will also be continuing with our programme of gas and electrical safety inspections and with any follow up work identified as necessary.

We are aware that the Council’s pest control service has been suspended.  Our emergency pest control contractor will attend to treat an infestation of rats, mice, squirrels only where these are within your property.

We aim to ensure that such repairs are attended to within our usual target response wherever possible.   Our emergency contractor will attend and make safe and undertake what work they can to complete the repair and restore lost service. In some cases this may mean a temporary repair, providing this leaves your home safe and secure and will not affect your occupation of the property.

Where you can please email a photograph of the affected area to to help our repairs team accurately assess the work required.

Previous Scottish Child Payment – applications now open

Helen McGregor House
65 Pettigrew Street

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed between 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Please note that all calls are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.

About us

Shettleston Housing Association Ltd is a registered Scottish Charity, no. SC036687. Registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010, No. 183. Registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefits Act 2014, no. SP1884RS. Property Factor Registered, no. PF000226. Authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority, No. FRN730115. Letting Agent Registration number, LARN1907017. VAT Number GB873630609.


East End Housing Development Company Limited, is a registered company in Scotland, No. SC293302, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shettleston Housing Association Limited. Scottish Landlord Registration number 305091/260/27591.

Shettleston Housing Association Ltd © 2025. All Rights Reserved.