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Government’s Furlough Scheme extended until end of October 2020 but June 10th deadline for new furlough arrangements

Government’s Furlough Scheme extended until end of October 2020 but June 10th deadline for new furlough arrangements

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will now remain open until the end of October 2020 and furloughed workers across the UK can continue to receive 80% of their current salary, up to £2,500 per month. However, June 10th is the deadline for any new furlough arrangements to begin as workers must have completed three weeks on the scheme by June 30th. From 1 July 2020, businesses will be given the flexibility to bring furloughed employees back part time.  Individual firms will decide the hours and shift patterns their employees will work on their return, so that they can decide on the best approach for them – and will be responsible for paying their wages while in work.  From August 2020, the level of government grant provided through the job retention scheme will be slowly tapered to reflect that people will be returning to work. That means that for June and July the government will continue to pay 80% of people’s salaries.  In the following months, businesses will be asked to contribute a share, but crucially individuals will continue to receive that 80% of salary covering the time they are unable to work.  For more information see www.Gov.UK or the Money Saving Expert website

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Helen McGregor House
65 Pettigrew Street

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Mon – Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Closed between 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

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Shettleston Housing Association Ltd is a registered Scottish Charity, no. SC036687. Registered with the Scottish Housing Regulator under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010, No. 183. Registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefits Act 2014, no. SP1884RS. Property Factor Registered, no. PF000226. Authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority, No. FRN730115. Letting Agent Registration number, LARN1907017. VAT Number GB873630609.


East End Housing Development Company Limited, is a registered company in Scotland, No. SC293302, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shettleston Housing Association Limited. Scottish Landlord Registration number 305091/260/27591.

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